Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Story of my Grandma from California

My story is about the strongest woman to grace this Grandma! At 83 years old, she is a mother of four children, eight grandchildren, and seven and a half great grandchildren. Thirty years ago her struggle with breast cancer began.

She was diagnosed with cancer in her right breast, which was eventually removed in surgery. At the time, she was awaiting the arrival of her 3rd and 4th grandchildren. Through her recovery and remission she never missed a birthday, dance recital, smile, or tear. I have memories as a child thinking that my grandma was invincible. She never got sick or tired like the rest of us, and was always able to do anything I asked of her. She would climb into our treehouse and replace the handmade curtains to give it a homey touch or pick me up from school when I was feeling ill. She was and still is my hero.

In 2000 my Grandpa, her husband, was diagnosed with lung cancer. At 76 years old she insisted that she should be the one to care for him at home to help him keep his dignity during his illness. On June 10, 2000 God called him home. I saw my Grandma become tired and depressed for a brief time. However, her spirits can never be broken. She is a fighter and never gives up on living a happy and fulfilling life.

The grandchildren began families of their own and Grandma was the one everyone turned to for advice and help. At 79 years old she began taking care of her 1st great grandchild full time so that her grandchildren could pursue careers assured that their babies were in the hands of an angel. At 80 years old she was caring for two great grandchildren full time. In addition to this large assignment, she managed to be the President of two committees and organize large fundraising events. She can do anything she sets her mind to.

While I was awaiting the birth of my 2nd child this year my Grandma told me that the doctor's found cancer in her left breast. It was malignant and would require surgery immediately. As I was talking to her she assured me that this was just a “simple” procedure and apologized that I might need to find a babysitter for a week during her mastectomy. She told me, "I'm too stubborn to let someone pick my day to go...when I'm ready I'll tell you."

Against the family's wishes Grandma was back to babysitting grandchildren, coordinating events for her organizations, driving herself around, and cleaning her house within three weeks of her mastectomy. She has the strength and grace of a lion.

Through this whole ordeal she remained positive that cancer would not control her life. In May, two months after her surgery, she participated in a three mile walk for cancer survivors. She completed the entire walk on her own two feet! My Grandma never stops amazing me. Whenever we talk about her cancer and my voice begins to shake or she sees sadness in my eyes she simply says, "there's nothing to be sad about, God only gave me two of these darn things and they're both gone now." She has the ability to smile and bring light into the darkest room.

My Grandma is my hero! She was a survivor 30 years ago and she is a survivor today! When I was young I believed that she was invincible and the strength she has shown through her struggle with cancer has shown me that she is. Actually, she makes it seem as though it is not even a struggle for her. My Grandma will always be a survivor because she has created a legacy within the lives of her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. She has taught us that what it means to live every moment of life to the fullest through a lifelong demonstration. Nothing, not even cancer, can stop her from living the life she wants for herself. Like I said, my Grandma is my hero…and will be a hero to anyone who knows her story!

Fair Oaks, California

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