Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My friend's Story from Tennessee

My friend/coworker had Breast Cancer in 1999 and went through the chemo treatment. She was so strong, she would go for her treatments, and most of the time she would come back to work at least for a little bit. She came back to work the day after she got out of the hospital for a few hours each day.

She never let her cancer get her down, and she was always upbeat about it. She even talked with my daughter about her illness because my daughter thought that Ms Donna was going to die. She has talked to other ladies about it and has even cried with one of our customers who found out that she had cancer. She is willing to talk to anyone about it, and is the first to encourage and make them laugh.

She had four children since 2000, and has never allowed anything to get her down. I have always told her that if I ever get real sick I want her to be in my corner cheering me on. She is an amazing person.

Jackson, Tennessee

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