Thursday, August 23, 2007

Kitten's Story from Maryland

I am writing about my best friend, Kitten, who was diagnosed with breast cancer just two months ago. As usually is the case, an entire life time has gone by since she first felt that tiny, raisin size lump.

From her first surgery for a lumpectomy, to her bi-lateral mastectomy, reconstruction, chemo and soon radiation, Kitten's positive attitude and sense of humor has amazed me. She is remarkable in so many ways, but Kitten's story is unique… so much so, you might think I was making it up.

When Kitten was just a few years old, her parents found a tumor behind one of her breasts. She received radiation to dissolve the tumor - which may have been why she contracted cancer later in life. She was born with severe spina Bifida and has had numerous operations to correct that. She was in a life threatening car accident when she was a teenager and spent months in the hospital in traction.

A few years ago, her ankle, which had been badly damaged in the car accident, needed something to deal with increasing pain and limp. The doctors suggested ankle replacement, which is still experimental. She decided to go for it, but while under anesthesia, and several hours of surgery, the doctors discovered that the "ankle replacement machine" was not working! She awoke to the bad news, and her ankle was even worse after useless surgery, where they had to put screws in her bones to make up for the damage they had done in preparation for the replacement.

She then opted for an ankle fusion - another surgery and six months of recovery of one leg. She never complained of the incredible difficulty of managing a house, three children, (and did I mention the farm they live on with cats, dogs and horses?) while on one leg and the other leg in a roller.

Then the fateful morning when she awoke to her hand on top of her breast and she felt the raisin size lump. She went to get a mammogram immediately - and sure enough, she needed a biopsy. She had the biopsy on a Thursday afternoon and Friday, the doctor's office called to say that the results were positive, but the doctor was not available until sometime next week to answer her questions.

Kitten went an entire weekend wondering what stage, lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemo, death? Monday came and went, and it wasn't until a full week later when someone from that doctor's office would answer her questions. Apparently the doctor was out of the country on vaction.

It is now two months later and a new doctor and oncologist. She has had a double mastectomy and is the midst of her chemo. She is participating in an NIH study and thus receiving her chemo there.

Kitten is remarkable to me. She has three children and a husband who had stage three colon cancer when he was 38. (He is now in remission)She does not complain, and takes the pain with such dignity. Losing her hair was a blow to someone with long beautiful natural reddish, dark blond hair. Her husband bought her a real hair wig - to the tune of $1,500.00, but she returned it, feeling that it was a waste of money and too vain for someone who still uses mascara that she purchased at the drugstore some 10 years ago.

They don't have much money - barely getting by month to month. Mike, her husband, has a descent job, but in Potomac, MD - the cost of living is very high. They give their children everything, and sacrifice all that they can as parents in order to do so. Kitten hasn't bought herself anything - in their 16 years of marriage - really! Just recently, she bought some new pretty underwear - and let me tell you, that was a big treat.

I wish I could help more. I have helped with the children, the house, etc. But Kitten deserves so much more. She has dreamt of redoing her house - maybe some new cabinets, or glass around their shower, (they don't have any which renders the shower useless). She is embarrassed to entertain, with furniture from flea markets, or hand me downs. She does not have a computer or email.

What a wonderful surprise it would be if your foundation could recognize Kitten in some way. She deserves so much as she has given so much and for some reason God has made her road through life a little rockier than others.

Potomac, Maryland

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