Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jane's Story

Hello my name is Jane and I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer on July 31 2007. I am 51 years old. My husband died of lung cancer on September 15 2006 and for months after, I experienced head aches and heart pangs. I went to the doctor for a brain mri and heart tests and everything was fine. I felt rather stupid thinking everything was stress related. I was now suddenly a single mother of a 12 year old alone in a country with no relatives (I am from Canada and my husband from Morocco). In May 2007, my right breast felt heavy but I was too ashamed to go to the doctor AGAIN, thinking it was all in my head! Finally, I went to my primary care doctor mid July and discovered that indeed, it was cancer! I have endured a collapsed lung from the chemo port surgery, radiation, 6 rounds of chemo and a mastacomy-the entire time working full time only taking two weeks off for the surgery. My advice to all woman is DON"T IGNORE YOUR BODY!!!!! Only you know when something is not right......I was too embarassed to go to the doctor and keep thinking what would be happening now if I was diagnosed earlier....could I have had a lumpatcomy.....would the tumor be smaller??? Never be too ashamed to speak to your doctor!!!!!

My daughter has been thru so much-loosing her father to cancer at 12 and now having her mother diagnosed with breast cancer. No child should have to endure this!

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