Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rosie's Story from Utah

I am a mother of three boys and was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2006. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I found a lump on my left side while taking a shower. I didn't want to think about it, but I couldn't imagine not being around for my family and not seeing my children grow up without a mother.

I went to see my doctor right away. Within a week I was talking to a surgeon scheduling my surgery. It all happened so fast. I needed to have a mastectomy done in July then followed chemotherapy for four months. The cancer was in stage 2 and the tumor was fast growing.

It was a struggle for my family and I. I am thankful to be alive! Having cancer has changed my life and how I feel about life I live for me any my family, love life everyday!

After my chemo was finished, I was on to re-constructive surgery. I needed to have three of them, and it turned out good. Thank you Dr. Self for getting my life back to normal. Now I am enjoying life with my family. Live 4 the challenge....

West Valley City, Utah

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