Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Linda's Story from Florida

Linda was involved in a messy divorce and during this she found a lump in her breast. When diagnosed she was rushed into surgery and had a radical mastectomy. The cancer had already spread to her muscle and lymph nodes. Her "air bags" would not heal and has several more surgeries to correct. Finally removing the "air bags" completely.

Chemo was suspended due to the healing of the surgical sites. Additional skin removed and is currently is living with her boyfriend who works full time and tries to pay all the bills, medication etc.. on his own. Today is her birthday and recently I took a collection for grocery money for her birthday. Linda is a co-worker who has now been out of work for six months. This woman is a strong and very kind lady! Her support system is not encouraging and is now isolating herself, this is not good for her healing process.

Loxahatchee, Florida

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