Monday, August 25, 2008

Patricia's Story

My name is Patricia and I am very blessed! I am more aware than ever how important life really is to me. It was brought to my attention on April 24, 2007 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

What I consider a "miracle" actually happened about three weeks before, when my annual mammogram showed a tiny spot approximately 4mm X 6mm. After a second mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy, I was advised that I had infiltrating ductal carcenoma of the left breast and unclean margins. The tumor was very deep near the chest wall and I made the decision to have a modified radical mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. (To those of you who may be unaware, immediate translates to four surgeries over seven months.) The week waiting for the biopsy results had been one of the longest weeks in my life. Of course, I prayed that it wouldn't be cancer, but I mostly prayed for courage to face what was in store for me, for intuition told me to prepare for the worst. When my husband and I broke the news to our two grown children, all I could think of was that I was so glad it was me facing this callenge and not one of them. My family showed amazing strength; still I knew they worried. The next part of my miracle came when the surgeon gave me the news that my lymph nodes were clear! By finding the cancer early, it had not had a chance to spread, and going forward, tomoxifin was prescribed for five years, but no chemo or radiation! THAT is when I really first realized the importance of my regular check-ups and how fortunate I was. I wanted to run out of the hospital screaming for everyone to "hurry and get your mammograms! It can save your life!"

I decided this news was too important not to share with ohers, so I founded the non-profit group, The Dixie Connexion for Early Detection of Breast Cancer. There are 6 of us in the group including me, my daughter and four of my closest friends. Our goal is to "share the word" with the public about the importance of early detection. We also provide an area hospital and breast cancer clinic with small post-op pillows for breast cancer patients. We have done well with our fundraisers and also visit new patients in the hospital, taking them a care package with various breast cancer awareness items. This year we started the Dixie Connexion Champions survivor group which meets once a month through October. We are also participating as a team in the upcoming ACS 5K walk October 18th. The breast cancer survivors that attend our group really are Champions! They have endured all sorts of surgeries, treatements, fear and pain and sitll have a positive attitude. Their strength is contagious! I have enjoyed so much being able to share the stories of our experiences and the outpouring of support is amazing.

Since being diagnosed, I have come to realize the power of knowledge and prayer through one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I believe that surviving has given me a second chance to "connect" with the world and my family and I am forever grateful for that chance. The roses smell a little sweeter and the sunsets more vivid. I think of it as though we survivors have a little bit of an "edge" on everyone else!

The message that I like to pass on to any of my new breast cancer friends is, "You have already found courage; take one day at a time as you move forward to finding acceptance, peace and joy in each day, and the faith and strength to "Never, Never, Never, Never give up!" Thank you for allowing me to share my story.

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