Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Miracle Inside of Me - Ginger's March Update

March 30th we celebrated Brooks 2 year birthday! And since he's my little cancer marker, it's so amazing to believe that 2 years has gone by! Time definitely has a way of fading painful memories. I kind of relate it to child birth. While you're in the moment the pain is what dominates your senses - but give it a couple of months and you've pretty much forgotten how bad it hurt and just enjoy the new baby in your arms. (Guys -- think kidney stones...although you probably don't want to hold them :) )

Rewind to about 3 years ago and we felt that our little family was complete. We had a boy and a girl - both who were out of diapers and well on their way to being independent. Ben was 6, Brinley was 4 and I was enjoying both of them immensely. I was working part time as an aerobic instructor and the extra money was fun to have. I was so content in how easy things had become that I didn't want anything to upset it - and that included another baby. Gosh- as I write this it sounds so selfish - but I should mention that I grew up in a 1200 sq ft home with 7 siblings. 2 kids was refreshing after dealing with that for 24 years. :)

One day as I was talking with Travis, we just looked at each other and knew that we needed to have another child. And it wasn't a few months later that I was pregnant...and a few months after that when I found the lump in my breast. Being pregnant sped up the growth of the cancer so that we could find it quickly. Had I not gotten pregnant, the cancer could still be growing inside me even now and we would of found it much later. It makes me shiver to think of how that would of been.

I am very, very, very grateful for the miracle who came to essentially save my life. My little miracle from heaven who has been a welcomed blessing ever since. I love you Brooks. ~ Love Mom :)


Karin said...

What a wonderful story....congratulations on your two years!! I'm still finishing my chemo, but I can see the finish line coming my way. Take care...Karin

Kellie May said...

I'm always amazed to find what I have in common with virtual strangers, though we do know each other and share a sisterhood of survival. Your daughter's birth is your marker, my birthday is mine. I had my mastectomy 2 days before I turned 25 on March 31. I've been enjoying your posts and always find it refreshing and upbeat! You're great!