Friday, February 22, 2008

Kellie May Update

Phew, or P.U. which is how Porter says phew. The results came back the way we were hoping. There was no marker for ovarian cancer. Phew! But then I was told that my estrogen levels were VERY high and I needed to come in for more blood work. What that would possibly mean is that I would have to go off Tamoxifen until the cysts resolved themselves.

This was all going on at the same time Parker was being admitted to Primary Children’s Hospital, this time for RSV. We thought it was going to be a 2 night stay, but he was recovering so well we were able to bring him home after only a night. My mom came down to take care of us all, just a little earlier than she planned to.

She was coming down midweek because I was going out of town for a girl’s weekend in Vegas. Three of us went last year around this time, which was also when I was having appointments and tests to figure out the lump in my breast. There were six of us this time. We had so much fun! We stayed at a great resort and were treated like queens! We shared so many fabulous moments with the greatest group of women. The icing on the cake was hitting the jackpot on the penny slots and winning $1,000! Wow!

The day before I left for Vegas, I had a marathon dental appointment with Dr. Greg Pitts of American Fork. He and his crew donated their services to the Think Pink event. I had my old silver fillings replaced with clear ones, teeth cleaned, and ZOOM whitening. I was there for 5 hours (my choice) and watched 2 movies. It was great and his staff is very warm and accommodating. My teeth look fabulous!

I have my second post chemo appointment on Monday. I try not to think about it too much or worry about the tests they do when I go, but it is in the back of my mind, a lot. I am fearful, but don’t like to dwell on that fear. Overall, in every other area of my life, I’ve become more fearless. Facing my mortality the way I’ve had to over the last year has really made me more aware of the daily opportunities there are to really enjoy, experience, and live life. I am able to be more in the moment, to enjoy the now.

I didn’t realize that people were posting comments on the Think Pink blog until last night. I amazed by the amount of support I receive from not only family and friends, but virtual strangers. I feel so connected and cared for. It gives me strength to know so many people are pulling for me. It helps me keep my head up, keep a smile on my face, and keep my feet moving forward. Thank you!

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